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An Exotic Pet Vet will be required if your hamster ever has an ailment. Hamsters are classed as 'exotic pets' but, unfortunately, most regular vets only get very basic training on how to diagnose and treat them medically, even though rodents have become increasingly popular as family pets over the past decade! The exotics vets directory below lists those around the country that have been recommended to us. Alternatively, you can check on the directory at (but some in the exotics category are not actually).

Hamsters do not require vaccinations or regular vet trips but they are prone to certain illnesses and ailments that are not treatable at home. Being fairly delicate, any sign of illness will mean a trip to an exotics vet for treatment IMMEDIATELY. 

As prey animals they do not show symptoms of illness until they are very ill. Therefore, as soon as symptoms show it is classed as serious and hamsters can die within just days of you noticing an ailment or injury. Just because they are small, does not mean they don’t suffer like your dog or cat would and allowing them to suffer to the end without assistance by way of veterinary treatment or euthanasia is extremely cruel. 


Find out who your nearest recommended such vet is, and keep the contact details on hand. If you are living in a town where no such vet is available, you may need to be prepared to travel further afield, or find the contact details of an exotics vet and ask your regular vet to refer to this specialist for advice.  


Exotic vets are NOT CHEAP, so be sure to build up and set aside some kind of a ‘fund’ to ensure that you will be able to afford treatment fast!


The following table is not easy to read via cell phone, and it may be best to download the file:



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